
by Maureen Berho 12/03/2019
The lore of Causa, Voices of the Dusk: the Factions in conflict.

We’re very glad to be back this week with a new update on the lore of our in-development collectible card game Causa, Voices of the Dusk.

As we mentioned in a previous Dev Blog entry,  at the start of the game you’ll be greeted by Maelkava, a mysterious and roguish warlock who will make use of his powerful talisman to transport you to the lands of Astaria.

As you venture forth, you’ll discover that six mighty Factions have emerged from the 4 Powers in this world (Glory, Wealth, Influence, and Spirit). Their presence can be traced back to ancient times, and they are largely responsible for restoring order in this era.

Below we present the description of each of these Factions: Phalanx, Clergy, League, Brotherhood, Sect, and Horde.


  • Phalanx:


"One holds the power to shape chaos. May the authority of the first be honored by their people. May the promise of a future be true to the denizens of tomorrow".

The Phalanx is an organization that seeks to keep order by securing its position of authority over everyone else. It aims to ensure the stability and progress of the world.

In current times, the Phalanx paved the way towards restoring social order by taking the reins of the Imperial Federation, establishing the basic rules that would allow them to leave chaos behind.

The Glory of the Phalanx maintains the authority and strength needed to enforce the law within the Imperial territory and protect its borders against its foes. A rich history of victories guarantees the trust of the citizens, the loyalty of the soldiers, and the interest of the bravest warriors who seek glory, fame and fortune.

The Phalanx has managed to maintain control of almost every place where law exists. Its sovereignty over the territory forces every citizen to pay taxes to the Imperial Federation. With its vast Wealth, the Phalanx covers the expenses of the army, the cost of urban development and the needs of its rulers.


  • Clergy:


"Two constitutions that cannot be split. May the world embrace the spirit, and the spirit embrace the world. May the union be the guide to transcendence and salvation".

The Clergy is the community that ensures the spiritual force stays alive in the world. Different religions, philosophies and arcane schools of mages, healers and monks have joined the Clergy in their search for spiritual enlightenment and their struggle to prevent society from falling into moral decadence.

Spirit enables those living within it to reach higher states of mind - a resource the Clergy has learned to use very effectively in its favor. Some of its members claim that, because of this power, the Clergy is the only force that can stand before the Dusk.

The acts of the Clergy are guided by the Council of Archons, formed of spiritual leaders of different creeds and cultures. The Imperial Federation has granted it the authority to permit or outlaw specific supernatural arts. However, the diversity of the Council has allowed it to exert a great deal of Influence, rallying the loyalty of followers from all corners of the world. It holds great advantage when using diplomacy to face political conflicts.


  • League:


"Three are needed for a conflict to be mediated. May the exchange be a reflection of absolute dependence.  May prosperity gild the path for the agents of peace".

The League is a commercial alliance formed by members from different regions and cultures. This alliance aims to control the market and establish a mutual economic dependence intended to promote peace and foster trading conditions that benefit its members.

The debts owed to the League by relevant social figures have placed the organization in a privileged position, and the financial expertise of its members has made them the founders and handlers of the House of the Imperial Seal, the institution that holds the power over all the economic decisions, including the pricing of the Imperial currency - the Saro. The vast Wealth of the League has also allowed it to have an army of mercenaries and corsairs that hold a strong loyalty to their coffers.

The League believes that strong political relations guarantees stability. Its notable Influence has won them the favor of high profile secret-traders, allowing them to take deep roots in the shady business of information, even while the networks that link them to the black market are publicly denied.


  • Brotherhood:


"Four cornerstones support a new world for all. May brothers and sisters carve the cornerstones. May the truth amidst the shadows illuminate the path".

The Brotherhood is a group that seeks to build a different society based on the principles of dignity, sustainability, freedom and solidarity, ready to fight against all who become obstacles to the achievement of these goals.

The Brotherhood exerts a great deal of Influence in the marginalized sectors of society, and relies on agents from all corners of the world. Within their ranks, thugs and serfs of all kinds, and even scholars and brilliant inventors, work together to advance their cause.

The members of the Brotherhood argue that traditional authority is an obstacle to their ends, since it only creates inequality and military conflicts with innocents paying the price. Because of this, they have been driven into clandestinity by the Imperial authorities. The Glory of the Brotherhood has led many resistance groups, thieves' unions and assassins' guilds to pledge allegiance to them. Even soldiers and warriors can be found willing to drop their flags and banners for the principles of the Brotherhood, to fight for all of those they can proudly call brothers and sisters.


  • Sect:


"Five points of the star receive the gods of gods. May the time come to rest when the eternal night falls. May the message grow strong in those worthy of favor."

The Sect is a secret society that worships powerful entities from the Twilight Realm, a space that represents all that is foreign to our reality, with forms that defy human understanding.

The members of the Sect state that the excessive use of the Spirit for the practice of arcane arts can weaken the Dark Breach, the spiritual wall that keeps other entities from entering our world. Because of this, they make wide use of sorcery, conjuring beings from the Spiritual World and creatures from the Twilight Realm, as well as subjecting some of their members to dark transformations.

Some sectarians hope to receive eternal life in return of their sacrifices, while others just seek to bring the cycle that marks the history of civilizations into a different end. While it is not that easy to identify the common traits of its members, some sectarians are wealthy eccentrics who lead a double life within the organization. Many of them dedicate their Wealth to the upkeep of groups of zealots and secret safe places, or acquire the materials needed to carry out their outlandish rituals.

  • Horde:
"Six are the prayers of a forbidden chant. May the return to the origin be the end of an era. May the echoes of silence gather primeval force".

The Horde gathers those who have given up the ways of civilization to rediscover the forgotten foundations of human nature. Its members state that progress must be destroyed for having corrupted the human race, and hindered its primeval connections.

The Horde was created as the Empire first became established, founded as a response to the vices of Imperial politics and society. The Glory of the Horde summons warriors with great passion and compromise, as well as disbanded Clans of bandits and pirates who were once driven off by the forces of the Empire.

The wise men of the Horde state that the original essence can be found in the balance between the vital harmony that feeds every life form, and the violent suffering that creates predatory instinct. The members of the Horde guide their Spirit in communion with this primitive energy that runs within everyone and becomes destructive when not channeled correctly. Clans of outcasts put these beliefs into practice through supernatural rituals, where those who are chosen are transmuted and anointed as guardians of clans and shrines.

What do you think about these Factions? Which one would you swear allegiance to? We invite you to follow our project and leave your comments on our social channels!

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